Northside Community Church

Songs & Sermons


The Songs We Sing

Worship is not just an event, it’s a way of life. In your personal times of worship, you may find that you want to listen to the songs that we sing at Northside. Here you will find a playlist of some of the songs that we sing at our Sunday gatherings.

 Don’t have a Spotify account? Follow these instructions from Spotify to start listening.

A playlist featuring Matt Redman, Keith & Kristyn Getty, Sovereign Grace Music, and others



One of our values at Northside is Truth. We seek the truth that is found in the word of God, both written and revealed.

We believe that we can know God and relate to him in a personal way because he first made himself known to us.  It’s our pleasure then to know God by reading his word together and exploring the wonders of it through teaching.  We have provided recordings of those messages online.  Feel free to tune in by checking out the playlist below or following the links below for an archived sermon.